

TIP #1: Children Often Follow Parents' Lead
Parents are key role models for children. Studies of families with children of age 6 – 12 show that when parents are overweight, their children are likely to be obese too. And when parents lose weight, their children may do likewise, as children adopt parents’ habits.

It is clear that obese parents should embark on an adult weight loss program and be a role model if they what to bring up healthy children. It will take effort – as adults’ body cells are set merely going on low calorie, low fat and low carbohydrates diets may not be enough to make a significant difference in weight. You need to be more serious at your own weight loss and embark on adult weight loss programs. That cannot be avoided if you want your children to grow up as healthy adults.

TIP #2: Start Taking Control Of Your Life; Your Children Will Follow
Start setting calorie goals and stick to it! Write down foods eaten, tracking calories consumed and do daily weighing. Encourage your children to do the same.

TIP #3: Change Your Children’s Diet [& yours too!]
Parents play a big role in shaping children's eating habits. Know exactly what you are putting into your children’s body.

A well-balanced diet rich in a wide variety of fresh fruits, whole grains, lean meat and fresh vegetables is essential. Choose alkaline food. If your children are used to high fat & high calorie diet, reduce the number of such foods progressively to no more than 3 – 4 high calorie fats food per week.

If you and your children frequent fast food outlets, progressively reduce the frequency. The statistical link between fast food and obesity cannot be ignored. Opt for home cook food instead. Cut processed food too.

Set reasonable expectations for your children, and don’t starve your youngsters as they need their nutrition! Also, don’t let your children see you cheat on your diet or take a different diet! Remember: you are their role models!

TIP #4: Have Small Meals
Eat six small meals a day instead of 3 big meals. This will keep the blood sugar more stable throughout the day and metabolism works at a steadier pace. Your children are less likely to overeat.
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TIP #5: Take Your Children To A Stroll After Dinner
Serve an early dinner no later than 7pm, than take your children for a daily stroll instead of watching TV. Depending on their age and health, a 20 – 45 minutes stroll will increase their metabolic rate and moderate their weight. Strolling relaxes the body and produces endorphins, chemicals that enable us to have an overall feeling of well being.

If you have a dog, let your children walk the dog – they will love it!

Start slowly with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time if your child is not physically active.

TIP #6: Have Regular Weekend Trips
Arrange regular family outings to camping sites, beach, zoo, and parks. Your children will be very excited and these activities will get them to burn off some extra fats.

TIP #7: Get Your Children To Help Out In The Garden And In Housework
Children love to be involved in adult activities like gardening and housework. If you train them from young, you won’t have problems getting them to do some of these household chores when they reach their teens. You will be thankful you have another helper around in later years!

TIP #8: Play With You Children
Show your children that being active can be fun by playing ball, jumping rope and other games involving physical activities with them.

TIP #9: Choose Your Child Care Provider Carefully
With many parents working outside the home, child care providers play a critical role in shaping youngster's habits. Make sure your child care provider offers well-balanced meals and snacks, as well as plenty of active play time.

TIP #10: Help Your Children Be Aware Of Peer And Media Pressures
Spend time talking with your children and educate them about what their peers do and what they see / hear on media. When parents do this, children are more likely to make healthy choices outside the home.